
Showing posts from April, 2009

Saving original HL7 message with MLLP.

I like to share my research work with HL7 in case some of you would be interested to share some thoughts. The curious issue : Where is the original HL7 message? The ___messages are not tracked as an original flat-file HL7___ when using HAT with the MLLP adapter. And the real deal: 1 Context An integration solution with BizTalk Server 2006/2006 R2 is deployed in production. A new version of the solution was completed and ready to be deployed. However it is not possible to fully assert its quality without running messages in production. I know, please do not "5whys" me on this ( For now, it must be seen as a constraint. The pre-production environment cannot have external systems that would reliably reproduce the production environment. Production messages are highly valuable and must not be ruined by the system. A backup plan is mandatory. The nature of the communication, HL7 exchange, yield to another functional constraint: the receiving se...

Self Kanban (two weeks)

Here is how my kanban board looks after two weeks. There are some improvements from the original board. A backlog appears at the top, a garbage section on the right. I also keep completed tasks over than an week on the far right. Not sure why for now. Let's see in two more weeks.

Self Kanban

For many years, I have tried different systems to realize the GTD principles. Since 2006, I have used website. And I still use it today. Before, I have tried todo's (or tasks) in Outlook, reminders in a mindmap (freemind), checkboxes in a logbook, gtdtiddlywiki  (that one didn't last at all). Most of time, I used a mixed approach and keep tasks in two to three system at the time. Which is not recommended... I know.  My reality is: a new task comes up, no time to loose so I write it down in my logboook and transfer them back to an "online" system. This double re-entry process forces me to re-think my tasks, which is not a bad idea. However, the "online" version always take a bit to much of time: boot up the software (outlook, browser ...), login, click here and there (date selection is never fast), choose a tag, add information (that may or not help).  Exchange+Outlook never worked great for me. Category (or tag, or label, or project, or contex...