Saving original HL7 message with MLLP.
I like to share my research work with HL7 in case some of you would be interested to share some thoughts. The curious issue : Where is the original HL7 message? The ___messages are not tracked as an original flat-file HL7___ when using HAT with the MLLP adapter. And the real deal: 1 Context An integration solution with BizTalk Server 2006/2006 R2 is deployed in production. A new version of the solution was completed and ready to be deployed. However it is not possible to fully assert its quality without running messages in production. I know, please do not "5whys" me on this ( For now, it must be seen as a constraint. The pre-production environment cannot have external systems that would reliably reproduce the production environment. Production messages are highly valuable and must not be ruined by the system. A backup plan is mandatory. The nature of the communication, HL7 exchange, yield to another functional constraint: the receiving se...