
Saving original HL7 message with MLLP.

I like to share my research work with HL7 in case some of you would be interested to share some thoughts. The curious issue : Where is the original HL7 message? The ___messages are not tracked as an original flat-file HL7___ when using HAT with the MLLP adapter. And the real deal: 1 Context An integration solution with BizTalk Server 2006/2006 R2 is deployed in production. A new version of the solution was completed and ready to be deployed. However it is not possible to fully assert its quality without running messages in production. I know, please do not "5whys" me on this ( For now, it must be seen as a constraint. The pre-production environment cannot have external systems that would reliably reproduce the production environment. Production messages are highly valuable and must not be ruined by the system. A backup plan is mandatory. The nature of the communication, HL7 exchange, yield to another functional constraint: the receiving se...

Self Kanban (two weeks)

Here is how my kanban board looks after two weeks. There are some improvements from the original board. A backlog appears at the top, a garbage section on the right. I also keep completed tasks over than an week on the far right. Not sure why for now. Let's see in two more weeks.

Self Kanban

For many years, I have tried different systems to realize the GTD principles. Since 2006, I have used website. And I still use it today. Before, I have tried todo's (or tasks) in Outlook, reminders in a mindmap (freemind), checkboxes in a logbook, gtdtiddlywiki  (that one didn't last at all). Most of time, I used a mixed approach and keep tasks in two to three system at the time. Which is not recommended... I know.  My reality is: a new task comes up, no time to loose so I write it down in my logboook and transfer them back to an "online" system. This double re-entry process forces me to re-think my tasks, which is not a bad idea. However, the "online" version always take a bit to much of time: boot up the software (outlook, browser ...), login, click here and there (date selection is never fast), choose a tag, add information (that may or not help).  Exchange+Outlook never worked great for me. Category (or tag, or label, or project, or contex...

BizTalk xs:date promotion shows inconsistency?

I think I may have found an inconsistency with BizTalk promotion mechanism. Context The system is using – roughly – two orchestration super-types: The ones that are publishing business data from external sources to the enterprise data warehouse, and The ones that are subscribing to (wait for) events on the bus and provide data to other enterprise systems for day to day operations. One of the responsibilities of publisher super-type orchestrations is to notify subscriber super-type orchestrations when data is available in the warehouse. Publishers and subscribers do not know each others (no call/send shape or partner ports are allowed). This loosely-coupling behavior is supported with event messages that travel through the message box. Publishers creates the event messages for subscribes in this disconnected mode. Event messages have the same message type and only its inner element values would reveal which concept of data is available. Subscribers may h...

Pattern & Practices: ESB Guidance RTM now available.

ESB Guidance is finally out. I have downloaded the bits and cannot wait to try out the new and flashy ESB Management portal.

The Toyota Way

I've just finished a very interesting book lately - The Toyota Way - on lean manufacturing developed at Toyota Motor company and written by Jeffrey K. Liker. It is the first that I read on this kind of subject, management and industrial engineering. And I'm glad I did. The Toyota way is all about how well you keep a healthy and growing business through 14 principles, which brings your organization in the lean production sphere. The principles are organized on the idea expressed in Maslow hierarchy of needs . So basic principles have to be accomplished and lived before climbing to the next level. The principles are : Base level: 1. Develop a long term vision. Seems obvious but in fact only few companies really follows a long term strategy when short-term profits are reacheable. And many times, layoffs are solely due to satisfy shareholders and show great columns in the annual report final pages. Second level: 2. Create a continuous process flow . Stop moving around pieces and ...

IList Serialization with XmlSerializer. Good thing to know.

Serialization with XmlAttribute is quite useful. However, when serializing a sequence (IList for instance) you have to be careful. If you use a public property to expose the IList member to serialize, don't waste time on the Set{} method, it will not be called by the deserializer, at least for the XmlSerializer. The Set{} is simply not use by the XmlSerializer.Deserialise method. private IList recipients = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); public IList Recipients { get{return this.recipients;} set { throw new ApplicationException("Use the get method instead and work with IList.Add method. This is what XmlSerializer.Deserialise does!"); } }